Ghana: Death and Mourning in Ghana – How Gender Shapes the Rituals of the Akan People
[The Conversation Africa] Gender has a significant impact on the socio-economic, political and religious experiences of Ghanaians. For Akans, the country’s largest ethnic group, descent is traced through the maternal line. Property is transferred in th…
Zimbabwe: ‘Massive’ Ezekiel Guti Trubute Concert Set for Birmingham
[New Zimbabwe] A SELL-OUT crowd is expected this Saturday at the Ezekiel Guti Conference Centre in the West Midlands for the much-awaited Free To Worship concert celebrating the late founder and leader of ZAOGA Forward In Faith International (FiF) mini…
Uganda: Zari’s Bride Price Was a Quran
[Nile Post] Singer Diamond Platinumz ex Zari Hassan was given a Quran as a bride price in her new marriage to 30-year-old Shakib Lutaaya.