Namibia: Lioness Set to Drop New Album
[Namibian] If you’re a local rap connoisseur with a taste for feisty flows, catchy hooks and stylish visuals, there’s a phrase bound to stop your scrolling: “Lioness is coming.”
Namibia: Namibia’s Art Scene Has Been Built By Unsung Heroes – Like Queer Artist Jo Rogge
[The Conversation Africa] A week after the opening of their solo exhibition So She Was Turned To a Pillar of Salt at The Project Room in Windhoek, Jo Rogge also facilitated a workshop for aspiring female artists at the gallery. Squeezing in a workshop …
Namibia: Ovaherero Community Urges Action Against Desecration of Ancestral Graves At Swakopmund Heritage Site
[Namibian] The Ovaherero community is concerned about the continued desecration of ancestral graves at a heritage site at Swakopmund.
Namibia: Refreshed Kasi Vibes Scheduled for October
[New Era] The Kasi Vibe Festival, renowned for its lively ambience, is set to take place in October this year. Unlike previous years when the festival was held multiple times, it will be conducted only once this year, from 4 to 6 October, at the Sam Nu…
Namibia: Oniipa Festival Moves Closer to the People
[Namibian] The fourth edition of the Oniipa Kalawa Fresh Festival will be held at a venue close to town as opposed to the old venue
Namibia: National Indigenous Knowledge Systems Council Appointed
[Namibia Economist] Eight members were appointed, to the National Indigenous Knowledge Systems Council (NIKSC) by the National Commission on Research, Science and Technology (NCRST), recently.
Namibia: Silver Jubilee Meeting for Traditional Leaders
[Namibian] I am honoured to join our esteemed members of the Council of Traditional Leaders this morning.
Namibia: ‘Pause, Reflect and Explore’
[Namibian] I am deeply thrilled to be here today to inaugurate this exciting month-
Namibia: ‘Trap’ Is a Bit of a Trap
[Namibian] M Night Shyamalan’s latest film ‘Trap’ (2024) is testament to his creativity and ability to come up with gripping concepts.
Namibia: One Economy Hosts Fundraising Soirée
[Namibian] The One Economy Foundation hosted its ninth annual fundraising gala dinner in Windhoek on Thursday.