Ethiopia: Rocks in a Hard Place – Lalibela Priests Raise Fears Amid War and Weather
[African Arguments] Cracks are widening along Ethiopia’s ancient rock-hewn churches. Fighting has come perilously close, but rain is the bigger threat.
Ethiopia: Street Music – Spreading Joy, Entertaining People
[Ethiopian Herald] Reading Time: 3 minutes
Ethiopia: African American Literature in ‘Roots’, ‘Beloved’ and Other Comparisons
[Ethiopian Herald] ‘Roots: The Saga of American Family’ was written in 1976 by Alex Haley and tells the story of Kunta Kinte, an 18th century African, captured as an adolescent and sold into slavery in Africa and then transported to North America. The …
Ethiopia: Local Efforts in Yeha Intact Cultural Heritages
[Ethiopian Herald] Owing to the great commitment of the local population of Yeha, the cultural heritage site was not destroyed and the magazines remained untouched during the armed conflict, Germany’s Embassy in Addis Ababa said.
Ethiopia: Diaspora Homecoming Aims to Connect Ethiopians With Their Origins, Involve in Nat’l Affairs
[ENA] Addis Ababa, — The ongoing Second-Generation Ethiopians Homecoming heeding Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s call is aimed at making the diaspora engage in the affairs of the country by knowing the country and being connected to its identity, accordin…
Ethiopia: Guarding a Heritage – a Bid to Protect Mawlid Through UNESCO
[Reporter] Mawlid holds immense cultural and historical significance for Ethiopia’s Muslim community. It serves not only as a religious observance but also encompasses intricate traditions that have been passed down through generations. Through complex…
Ethiopia: Mulatu Astatke, Father of Ethiopian Jazz
[Ethiopian Herald] What makes an artist great? The answer to this question might be tough but one thing is clear. An artist achieves greatens at least by creating something that has not been created before him and keeps on improving it until the need o…
Ethiopia: Rising Productions Costs Thicken Plot for Producers, Writers
[Reporter] The commercialization of scripts and lyrics is a recent and quickly growing trend in the Ethiopian entertainment industry. This booming frontier offers new and more lucrative opportunities for creative writers as well as a wider range of opt…
Ethiopia: Nordic Black Theater Troupe Aims to Successful Mission
[Ethiopian Herald] The Nordic Black Theater Group arrived here yesterday to stage various performances in different areas that are believed to consolidate the people-to-people relationship of Ethiopia and Norway.
Ethiopia: Ethiopian Army, Militia Clash In Lalibela Threatens World Heritage Sites
[allAfrica] Cape Town — Fighting between government forces and Fano militants erupted in the historic Ethiopian town of Lalibela, the BBC reports.