Rwanda: Urutozi Challenge Dance Competition Returns in Style
[New Times] After a successful maiden edition, Urutozi Challenge Dance Competition, organised by local fashion line Urutozi Gakondo, is back and ready to give local dancers a platform to shine again.
Rwanda: Club Intwali Gears Up for ‘Heart of Africa’ Concert
[New Times] All is set for the ‘Heart of Africa’ concert organised by Club Intwali which is scheduled to take place this Saturday, July 22, at Kaso Kigali.
Rwanda: Comedian Kevin Hart Visits Rwanda
[New Times] American comedian and movie actor Kevin Hart is in Kigali, The New Times has learnt.
Ghana: Ghana Climaxes 2023 World PR Day Celebrations With Festival Summit
[Ghanaian Times] Global Media Alliance (GMA) has marked the end of the World Public Relations (PR) Day Festival with a spectacular grand summit.
South Africa: UCT Honours Anti-Apartheid Poet Keith Gottschalk
[UCT] Protest, prison, humour and hope were recurring themes that emerged during a high tea event hosted by the University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Development and Alumni Department (DAD) in honour of the life and work of UCT alumnus and anti-apartheid poe…
Tunisia: President of the Republic Discusses Cultural Sector
[Tunis Afrique Presse] Tunis/Tunisia — The activities of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the festivals under its supervision were at the heart of President of the Republic Kais Saied’s meeting with Minister of Cultural Affairs, Hayet Ketat Guerma…
Botswana: Botswana 2023 Ensemble Gives Sterling Performance
[Botswana Daily News] Gaborone — The National Arts Festival celebrations are not an exercise in futility, but a dedication to the nation’s spirit of culture, identity, diversity, harmony, togetherness and creativity.
Uganda: Uganda Slaps Tax On Facebook, Netflix
[Independent (Kampala)] Kampala, Uganda — Parliament imposed a tax on companies reporting losses for more than seven years with 50% of the losses carried forward now being subject to tax in new amendments to the Income Tax Act.
Ghana: ‘Kayayoo Rising Photo Exhibition’ Launched
[Ghanaian Times] A photo exhibition to highlight the plight of head potters commonly known as “kayayei” has been launched in Accra.
South Africa: Cape Town is World’s Greatest City, Survey of Travellers Says – South African News Briefs – July 18, 2023
[allAfrica] Cape Town —